Welcome to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia

District of Columbia - Document Filing System

This is a restricted government website for official court business only. All activities of CM/ECF subscribers or users of this system for any purpose, and all access attempts, may be recorded and monitored by persons authorized by the federal judiciary for improper use, protection of system security, performance of maintenance and for appropriate management by the judiciary of its systems. By subscribing to CM/ECF, users expressly consent to system monitoring and to official access to data reviewed and created by them on the system. If evidence of unlawful activity is discovered, including unauthorized access attempts, it may be reported to law enforcement officials.


Pursuant to LCvR 83.9, attorneys admitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia must renew their memberships by July 1 of every third year. Pursuant to LCvR 83.2(e)(f), attorneys practicing on behalf of the government must submit a government certification form prior to initial appearance and every three years thereafter. Pro Hac Vice attorneys should not renew.

Attorneys who fail to renew or recertify will be placed in provisional status and will not be permitted to appear or file. After five years from the renewal or recertification deadline, attorneys who have not complied will be removed from our rosters.

To check your status and/or last date of renewal, please click here.

Renewals and recertifications must be submitted electronically. For detailed instructions, click on “Attorney Renewal and Government Certification” here.


Court Information